The $40 million agreement between ClearEdge Power and LSIS covers the sale, distribution, and servicing of more than 800 ClearEdge5 fuel cell units in Korea.
LSIS chose the 5 kW ClearEdge5 fuel cell system after a worldwide review, on the basis of its high-efficiency, high-temperature hybrid PEM design. The system leverages the availability of the natural gas or directed biogas infrastructure to offer buildings a source of baseload power created onsite.
The ClearEdge5 reduces carbon emissions by more than 35%, while reducing energy requirements and costs for customers. The system is self-contained, requires a minimal footprint for installation and service, and is safe and quiet enough for residential or highly populated areas.
LSIS will integrate the ClearEdge5 fuel cell as a clean alternative energy option for over 80% of Korean energy customers. The company, which focused on solutions that maximize energy efficiency, applications in the automation field, and green solutions, is partnering with the Korean government to offer energy solutions and services nationwide.
‘With the recent federal Korean legislation, which encourages new buildings to begin using alternative power sources such as fuel cells to reduce the carbon footprint, the ClearEdge5 is well sized for the Korean market,’ says Jong-Woong Choe, Senior Executive Vice President for the LSIS Electric Power Group.